April 2019

Presidents Report

Ken Ryan
 On the evening of 18th March we hosted the Sawtell Rotary Club for an inspection of the shed followed by a BBQ. There were 11 of their members attending and they were very impressed with the shed, as they had previously visited the old shed in Marcia Street.

 On Tuesday following the Rotary Club visit, we hosted an informal BBQ with other sheds from our area attending. These were Bundagen, Urunga, Woolgoolga, Bellingen and Dorrigo.

 The official opening of the shed will be held on Friday 3rd May with the Mayor, Denise Knight unveiling the commemorative plaque. All members are invited, but it is most important that you RSVP by 24th April as we need to know numbers for catering. You should have received an invitation by email recently.
For the three days leading up to the opening, normal activities at the shed will be restricted to allow setting up of the ceremony area. Also we will need to clean up and present the shed to the visitors in a tidy state. There will be VIP’s present and it will be beneficial for us to make an impression on them. I look forward to your cooperation in making the event a showcase for our shed.

Gala Opening

Members should have received an email invitation to the Gala Opening on Friday 3rd May.

If you are attending, please wear your blue Men's Shed Shirt.

Also, parking is tight, so please park your vehicle on Howard Street if possible to allow
our guests to park near the shed.

See Shed Manager's report for more details.

Shed Report

Rob Houston
 During the last 4 weeks Peter has managed to get most of the floor painted with a 2 pac concrete paint.

 Membership as of the 8th of April is 169 Members.

 We are looking at catering a sausage sizzle on the 19th May for the IGA Boambee, who are holding an event on their site. You will be advised when volunteers are required. These barbeques are a great fundraiser for the shed, and shedders who volunteer will enjoy a few hours of mateship with other shedders, as well as the satisfaction of contributing to the Shed.

 The last Garage Sale was again financially successful. All efforts in producing goods for sale, and the efforts of the volunteer salespeople are recognised and appreciated.

 The Gala Opening is now set for Friday May 3rd and is proving to be a major event for all shedders. Your attendance is important, so don't forget to RSVP by 24th April as the event is fully catered. As mentioned in the President's Report, we will close the shed prior to the event so we can clean and organise the shed into a respectable (floor layout) area to receive the dignitaries for the day. Call me if you have any queries about the opening, and as usual, we need help to make this happen.

Also, the next day (Saturday) will be an Open Day. and advertised through the media as such. Volunteers are required to remove the chairs and staging from Friday's event, and to restore the shed back to it's original floor plan.


AMSA Visit

Marty Leist from the Australian Men’s Shed Association has sent some photos of his visit to the shed on Tuesday March 19th. Thanks Marty.

Garage Sale on April 6

As long as the signs are up, visitors kept coming...

Doug Tysoe was so busy with shoppers on Saturday, that he couldn't find the time to remove the road signs and close the shed, so punters kept him busy past 4 pm.

Doug sorting out the Garage Sale items

You can't argue with these two shedders.

Bags of particle board - just add glue.

Tom dusting the merchandise.

Around the Shed

New Shedder Ian has taken over the making of these "Candleabra's". So far it has taken 5 days the get these old rosewood fenceposts cut back and shaped. A similar finished candleabra was shown last newsletter as a sale item in the garage sale. Ian has a rich history in building furniture, and houses, and has worked in the Real Estate industry. He joined the shed for the mateship, which also allows him to pursue his love of timber products, despite his extensive work shed and equipment at home. Welcome Ian.

Ian is pictured here with the previous finished item, and the two posts currently in production.

Working on the wood lathe.

So many horses we could start our own Melbourne Cup...

Stunning "before and after" restoration by Tom

A restored Table top by Terry

Final touches to the garden area

Ken and the boys place some pavers around the raised gardens, and added more crusher rock around traffic areas. Can we ever stop Ken from improving the shed?

Supporters of the Coffs Harbour Men's Shed

The Coffs Harbour Community Men's Shed wishes to thank all our supporters, both large and small,
for their ongoing support and generous donations of time and money. 


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