June 2024 Newsletter

President's Report - 
Members General Meeting June 18th 2024

The Shed is travelling well with a lot of the jobs on the board done & dusted. 

We are currently waiting on delivery of the New CNC from China, purchased from a Government Grant of $10k; the machine is on a slow boat from China and should arrive in Brisbane in the next week or 2.

Toolbox Meetings

As most of you know we have a toolbox meeting the week after the committee meet to let the members know what is in the pipeline for the shed and to discuss any problems that are ongoing in the shed, especially safety concerns with machines not being reported as faulty , blades needing replaced. 

We do have a maintenance schedule in place, but this only works if the machines have moderate use, any machine that is used for a particularly big job, eg. dressing lots of timber, will need servicing sooner than the scheduled service, let the office know if you think a machine needs attention. 

If you have any ideas or concerns about what’s happening in the Shed please let us know, it’s your Shed you should have input into what happens?

Committee Photos

The photos behind us are the 2023/2024 committee members and are there for your information

Back Yard

We are planning a working bee this Friday 21 June in the back yard to restack a lot the wood for easier access. 

Also, to fit out the container with shelving for the garage sale stuff. As a consequence there will be no work done in the Shed that day.

24/25 membership is due July 1, an email will be going out shortly to remind you to pay the annual membership.

General News

Shed Men

The music group continues to thrive and grow. There are sessions held each day of the week for different styles of music. The group perform regularly at various aged facilities around town and are gathering quite a following.

The Committee and the music sub- committee have recently agreed upon a set of operating rules to ensure that the activities of the group meld with the broader principles of the Shed. These are modelled upon the golden rules displayed in the kitchen area. These rules have been printed, laminated and posted on the wall in Room 1 upstairs.

Shedmens' 10 Golden Rules

1. All music groups are to be inclusive, welcoming any new members who wish to join their group.
Music groups should make every effort to accommodate the needs of all members of the group.
Where there is more than one competent player for a particular type of instrument, the role should be shared.

2. Decisions regarding the music played/sung/learnt should be decided by a majority (democratic) decision of the group.

3. Rooms 1 & 2 are shared facilities and music groups need to be respectful of the rights of other Shed users.
Volume levels should be kept to a level acceptable to the majority of Shed users.

4. Strictly, no Shed music groups are to engage in private, commercial work under the ‘Mens’ Shed’ banner.

5. Shed music facilities cannot be used by Shed members for rehearsal for private or commercial work.

6. As the Men’s Shed has charity status, musical performances for outside groups (‘gigs’) have to operate on the basis that the audience is not charged for the gig – only donations to the Shed for the gig can be accepted. Donations to the Shed for a gig should take into account the capacity of the donor organisation to pay.

7. The Music group will appoint/elect a communications officer, who will liaise with the Shed Management Committee. Music Group members are encouraged to attend Tool Box meetings and other member activities to broaden their knowledge and understanding of the greater Shed’s agenda.

8. Each music group is to appoint a room manager, an individual who is responsible for the safe and efficient use of rooms 1 & 2 including the lock up and turning off of lights and air-conditioning.

9. (a) An equipment manager is to be appointed/elected whose responsibility is to keep track of Shed purchased music equipment, including:
• Keeping an up-to-date inventory
• Reporting maintenance needs
• Organising the purchase of new equipment
• Keeping a log of users who have borrowed equipment.
(b) Where Shed purchased music equipment is needed for an outside gig, then the gig usage should take priority over rehearsal usage – until such times as the music groups have equipment reserved for use at outside gigs.

10. If there are issues with individuals or the operation of music groups, it should be brought to the attention of the Shed Management Committee who will make the final decision on any actions to be taken.

Frequently asked Questions

The Management Committee have been keen to inform members about the operating procedures and rules. The Q & A below has been collated from commonly asked questions by members. Mostly through a third party! 

The Committee has implemented a number of activities to help members understand how and why the Shed operates as it does, these include Tool Box meetings, Newsletters and Members General Meetings. 

The Q & A below has been printed, laminated and posted on the notice board outside the Office.

1. Why do we have to fill out a job sheet for every single job? 

Helps the Office keep track of members’ activities and contribution to the Shed and what materials and consumables need to be purchased.

2. Why do we have to pay $10 per job sheet? 

This is a small cost to each member to assist in the maintenance and every day running costs of the Shed, if we didn't have this the Shed would be financed by the small band of members who participate and run the main fund raising activities of the Shed: garage sales and commission jobs.

3. Why can’t anybody do commission jobs? 

Commission jobs are taken on as a source of income. Therefore the standard of work needs to be of a higher quality. This does not preclude others from helping with sanding etc.

4. Why can’t we just take/use surplus wood etc. Most of it has been donated or is scrap? 

The cost of this "SCRAP" helps pay for things like Glue (eg. Titebond_3, 3ltr $70, we get 4 bottles regularly, costing $280.00), sandpaper, saw sharpening, maintenance of machines etc.

5. Why do I need to be inducted on fixed Shed machines? 

Safety: first and foremost, with an induction we know you are capable of using said machines. Our insurance requires us to keep records of inductions.

6. Why can’t I bring my own machines etc into the Shed?

 We don't have room for members’ machines, and a lot of members have quality tools that would cost a lot to repair or replace.

7. What do we pay membership fees for? 

Your Membership fee covers your Insurance in the Shed. $20 mil. Public Liability and a host of other insurance benefits. Insurances cost $53/member.

8. Why do I have to sign in and out every time I come to the Shed? 

Safety: It lets the daily fire Officers know who is present in the Shed should a fire or other emergency occur. It also gives the committee useful information about usage by members.

9. Who decides what our Shed monies are spent on? 

The Committee, anything purchased over $300 has to be approved by the committee at the monthly meeting. These larger items are decided largely by the Strategic Plan which all members are asked to contribute their ideas.

10. Who decides who can use the ute and the forklift? 

Licencing, anyone with the appropriate licence can use the Ute or Forklift.

11. Why is the Shed shut up if there is nobody available to man the Office? 

Safety: we have a policy of a minimum of 2 members in the workshop at all times. At least 1 of these should be a committee member familiar with locking and securing the Shed. We had 3 break ins in 2023!

12. Why can’t I stay after hours and finish my job? 

Safety: see above policy

13. Do I have to wear any special clothing in the Shed? 

The only dress code we have is covered shoes, we provide PPE for your use at your discretion

14. Where are the safety glasses etc (PPE)? 

In the safety cupboard marked PPE

15. Do I have to wear PPE? 

We provide and encourage the use of PPE which is stored in the safety cupboard. We can’t really insist.

16. Why is the Office door closed sometimes? 

Privacy: sometimes the members need to discuss personal matters that they wish to keep private. Also if we can't staff the Office it is closed for security.

17. Who can answer the phone? 

Anyone can, and the phone should not go unanswered. Also members are encouraged to greet visitors and provide assistance as necessary.

18. What if I need something out of the Office? 

Please ask either Robert, Dave or Ken if you need something from the Office

19. How do I know who is manning the Office? 

Front up and ask.

20. Who are the committee members? 

Photos of Committee members are on the back wall of the kitchen on the right of the Honour Board

21. How do you become a committee member? 

By nominating for a position before the Annual General Meeting usually held in December

22. Why is the committee being limited to 10 members? 

To keep Meetings to a reasonable time and avoid a bias of members voting for a personal agenda

23. How can I find out what’s happening at committee meetings? 

It is discussed at the Toolbox Meetings, in the week following the Monthly Committee Meeting

24. Are members allowed to view the minutes etc? 

Yes, Usually nothing discussed at the meetings is Private, unless it involves a personal matter pertaining to a member or their family. You can ask to view these documents at the Office, copies are charged at $1/page.

25. Who decides on the rules for the Shed? 

The elected committee has the final say but will consult with members before making any major decisions.

26. Who can I go to if I’m not happy with the rules? 

1st: broach it with the Office, if this is not satisfactory, then 2nd: approach a committee member and finally 3rd: a letter to the committee

27. What happens if I have an altercation with another member? 

See the Golden Rules, if any members have a disagreement they will both be asked to leave the Shed, members can return to the Shed after any altercation, provided they don't involve themselves in another altercation

28. Can a member be banned from attending the Shed? 

We do have provision to revoke membership in the constitution

29. Do we have a constitution? 

Yes, it is available from the Office to borrow 

30. Who and what is the purpose of a Patron? 

Honorary position granted to a prominent community member who actively supports the Shed.

31. What use is our Charity status? 

We are a registered Charity answerable to the Governing body ACNC. It helps in fund raising activities including grant applications and donations.

Commission Jobs

Gary Shelton has graciously stepped up to be one of our restorers. He has done a magnificent job on these cedar doors.


Thanks Gary for all your time and effort.

The boys discussing the best way to replace the broken legs on this restoration job. 
L to R: Ken Ryan, Ib Mortensen, Dave Churchyard and Gary Lenard

Chad Bevand is a cabinet maker by trade and has taken on the more complex jobs. The jobs he undertakes for the Shed are a substantial source of income for the Shed. This is just a small piece of a larger commission job.


Ian Kerr has become our expert restorer and builder of wrought iron garden seats. They have become a very popular lately. He has been ably assisted by Steve Frawley.

Jim Pickard has been sourcing wrought iron ends on Facebook for the Shed

Some have been remodelled to suit client specifications

Others have been donated, like this one for a local school

The Council has also sort out our expertise to refurbish 8 benchs in Sawtell.

These arches have been manufactured for an indian wedding hosted by "Special Occasions"


We have requests for all sorts of restorations. This barrel was refurbished by Dave Churchyard then painted to look like new.


Daniel Jeffcoat and Sudheer Massey have caught the bug and have turned their hands to producing bread boards. There has been some keen competition lately at the Shed to make the most innovative patterns. I'm looking for help to make the ones below!

We have been contracted by NPWS to produce 700 of these lures to be used in conjunction with wildlife cameras throughout the State. A small piece of chicken is skewered on the stake allowing animals to smell the bait and be lured in to be filmed. A good little earner!

Member Jobs

Daniel checking out Terry Coopers efforts in making garden furniture from old fence palings.

Dean Thomas proudly displaying his latest creation.

New Equipment

Jacko who runs the metal shop put in a request for a hoist to help with the refurbishment of mowers etc. A great asset for our aging backs and knees at $3,249

This oven was donated to the Shed and has been put to good use as part of our new powder coating equipment, which is stored in a cupboard next to it.

Garage Sales

Murray Smith and Paul Fitzgerald his assistant have been setting records in sales. Consist sales figures over $2000. Well done guys!

Members are reminded not to rummage through received goods until they have been evaluated and priced. 

If you a looking for a particular item then let Murray know. He keeps a book on requests from members and earmarks received items for consideration by these members before putting them out for general sale.

Notice Board

Office Management

Robert is back! Robert was hoping for a quieter life pursuing his own interests; however his commitment to Shed members has won out, despite his ongoing health issues.

If you have spent time in the Shed over the last 18 months or so, you will have noticed we have struggled to man the Office.

The Shed is now back on a more even keel with both David and Robert at the wheel. We have also been fortunate in that Neville Pollock has stepped up, helping out on Monday & Wednesday.

Thanks to those members who help keep the doors open and ensured that members can enjoy the best of what the Shed has to offer.

It is important that the Office knows what is happening in the Shed at all times to ensure the safety and security of all members.

Please, those guys who try to sneak in and do their own thing without a job sheet or anything, and expect everything for nothing and do little to help with the ongoing viability of the Shed. You are only making their job harder!

I for one don't have the knowledge, expertise or commitment to put the time and effort these guys put into managing the Shed. I’d encourage you to show your appreciation occasionally, it lifts their spirits and costs you little.

Using Fixed Machinery

All members are covered for injury while working at the Shed. as a major part of the membership fees. However, as part of the conditions for cover whilst using machinery we are required to induct members in the safe use of each fixed machine. 

This applies to ALL members, non members are not permitted to operate any fixed machinery in the Shed due to liability and insurance issues, regardless of their expertise.

We acquire new machines from time to time and therefore you need to update your induction records/competency forms. Recent acquisitions include a new bench router, drop saw, metal guillotine and press as well as this year a new jointer and circular saw.

Ken Ryan conducts inductions for new members after smoko on a Thursday (book through office). Existing members needing induction/refreshers on unfamiliar machines can also arrange this with Ken.

Ken inducting new member John Van-stroe

It is your responsibility to make sure that you are not using machines that you are not inducted or competent to use. If you insist on using equipment in a dangerous or detrimental way you will be banned from further use until you are re-inducted.

All members have induction records/competency forms kept in their file in the Office. It is important that you are signed off to use equipment in the Shed. In fact, it is a legal requirement for our insurance and accreditation.

These records must be kept up to date because the insurance company can refuse compensation claims for injury. They have the right to request access to these records in processing claims.

Report any problems with equipment to the Office so that it can be attended to.

Please don't attempt repairs or major adjustments without consulting the maintenance crew or the Office.

Always use the metal detector before cutting/thicknessing any second hand timber.

 Strategic plan

The Plan informs the committee on the direction that members want to see the Shed take. It is also an important document when we apply for government grants and funding from the community.

We were successful with our NSW government grant application for $10000, to facilitate the purchase of a new CNC machine and 2 laptops for members use/training as per the strategic plan.

The CNC has been purchased from China for $8,700 and has arrived in Brisbane. It weighs over a tonne! Faircloth and Reynolds have offered to pick it up and transport it to the Shed at no cost! We can expect it very soon.

We have also purchased new computers from Tech Addicts which are being built and should also arrive soon.

The upgrade to the back yard surface has been completed to allow the forklift to access the mill and the new garage sale storage container.

Thanks to Jacko's son Scott and Peter Barker.

The upgrade of the back yard is progressing with new storage racks being built by Mick Maley

Member general meetings have been well received, the June meeting was well attended and information relayed about the current issues at the Shed and also answering questions from members. The next one is scheduled for September 17th this year.

 Daily Cost to open the Shed door 

Computer Expenses        $ 1,196.91

Insurance (Members)      $ 5,075.00

Insurance (Building)        $ 4,079.91

Merchant Fees                 $ 399.00 (EFTPOS cost)

Motor Vehicle (Ute)         $ 8,400.20

Power                                $ 3,701.70

Rent                                   $ 801.12

Repairs  Maintenance     $ 3,970.26

Telephone                        $ 1,448.17

Water                                $ 429.36

                   Total               $ 25,421.40

There are other smaller amounts including consumables not included in this list

Weekly          $ 498.46   (51 weeks allowing for public holidays)

Daily              $ 99.70     (255 days) - 5 days / week over 51 weeks)

Your membership fees mostly go to covering the cost of our insurances! $53/member

Important Reminders

There is a new FAQs sheet on the wall in the dining area to help inform members why things are done the way they are at the Shed. This signage helps explain the items below.

Remember to sign in and out, it allows the Committee to monitor usage and Safety Officers to check off members in the case of emergencies including mandatory fire drills.

Job Sheets MUST be filled in and filed with the Office before you start any work at the Shed. This is a common sense rule so that the Shed managers know what is happening in the Shed. It also is respectful of our volunteer managers.

You will be advised of any job charges at this time, usually $10, for the use of consumables eg. glue, screws, nails, sandpaper etc. and equipment maintenance, per job sheet. Your membership subscriptions barely cover the various insurances we need to take out to be able to open the doors each day. 

Donated wood etc is used extensively for commission jobs, thus value adding, which helps offset the costs of running the Shed. If you wish to purchase/use wood etc for your job, please ask at the Office FIRST.

A member found a nice piece of cedar in the shape of a table leg in the stores, he cut it up, without asking, for a job he wanted to make. It turned out that it was the leg off a full sized billiard table which was to be restored!

Materials are generally sold at half the retail price, however, if used without consultation then full retail/replacement price will be charged. Members also store wood for projects at the Shed and will be justifiably upset if members use or cut up their material.

It is often unreasonable to expect to cut off a smaller piece from a larger usable length and expect to pay just for the piece you desire. You may be asked to try your luck at Bunnings.

There is a simple rule at the Shed: leave equipment and work spaces as you would LIKE to find them.

Please be considerate when using common areas such as the kitchen and toilets. Other members have to clean up these areas, as your mother doesn't work here!

Tea and coffee etc are provided as a courtesy. A donation of $2 towards costs is expected and appreciated as you sign in. The donation box is next to the Sign On book.

This gives you a bottomless cup throughout the day, which is a great deal in anybodies eyes. The Shed outlays about $150/month for Tea, Coffee.

This doesn't include the cost of milk, sugar, butter, sauces, bottled water etc., or the costs of cleaning materials to endeavour to keep the area fit for purpose. 

An increasing number of members are opting not to stop for breaks during the day. These breaks are important as a social occasion and to refresh the mind and body. No work noise should occur for at least 20 minutes during breaks.

A new cleaning roster has drawn up with all members names placed on the roster. The roster can found under the Sign On book. Please check to see when your turn arises, as this takes the burden off the few.

Members are reminded to wait until after lunch before they spirit away food stuffs provided by OZHarvest. Members regularly make use of these items for morning tea and lunch.

Our Community

Tool Box meetings are held at morning tea times during the week following the committee meeting (2nd Thursday monthly) to give feedback to members on current issues dealt with at the committee meeting the week before.

The pool table has been brought downstairs and installed in front of the shop. The table does need some TLC! Calling on any members who are familiar with marking lines on the felt for ball positioning. Help required

Free member luncheons have been well received and will continue to be provided every month, on the 3rd Tuesday, as an initiative to promote social interaction away from the tools. 

These luncheons are subsidised by Woolworths and Dominos Pizzas. Meals will alternate between sausages with salads and pizza. 

Below, Brian Franklin has taken on the responsibility of organising these events. Thank you from all of us for your continuing efforts on top of all the other electrical work you do for the Shed.  Below, he is ably helped by Robbie Innes and Terry Cooper


Card players euchre/500/crib are being played by an increasing number of members during breaks. All are welcome to take part whether you are a novice or an experienced player.

The Squeaky Wheel

Senator Tim Ayres

02 9159 9330

 Tim Ayres, is the Duty Senator for Cowper. He is our rep, providing help and advice about Federal Government Services ie. Centrelink, disability issues and the like.

Also our Federal and State members are also there to help.

New Management 2024 (voluntary)


President: Robert Houston

Vice President: Ken Ryan

Secretary: Tony Winter

Treasurer: Garth Howard

Assistant Treasurer: Ken Ryan


David Churchyard
Alan Cook
Peter Jackson
Ken Howe
Doug Tysoe
Brian Franklin


Shed Managers & Office Administration:

Robert Houston 
David Churchyard

Health & Welfare Officers:

Ken Ryan
Ken Howe


Robert & Dave

Metalwork / Engineering:

Peter Jackson

 Equipment Maintenance:

Alan Cook
Ken Ryan
Brian Franklin

Music Group - The Shedmen:
Committee Rep

Vern McAlpine

Garage Sales:

Murray Smith

Paul Fitzgerald


Tony Winter
Brian Adam

Life Members:

Derek King Scott
 Peter Jackson
Ken Howe
Ken Ryan
Robert Houston

Supporters of the Coffs Harbour Men's Shed

The Coffs Harbour Community Men's Shed wishes to thank all our supporters, both large and small,
for their ongoing support and generous donations of time and money. 


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