March 2023 Newsletter

President's Report from the March members meeting

Well Hello All,

That time again. 

We've had a few interesting months with a couple of our members finding that contrary to popular belief, they do actually possess hearts! 

Good luck to Tom and Robert in their continuing convalescences! Also
great to have Dave back in the office!

The cleanup/reorganisation of the shed continues with the acquisition and fencing of the new segment of land on the western side of the shed allowing
us to re-organise the outdoor areas over the next few months.

Monthly lunches continue to be a hit with the next one (21st March) being
pizzas from Dominos. We plan to alternate between pizza on the odd months
and sausages on the even months.

The band is still increasing its membership with three different groups
playing different genres on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, we may soon
need a bigger shed to accommodate the musicians!

Welcome to our newer members and a thank you to Murray and the crew for
continuing Doug's good work on the Garage sale days.

Unfortunately I'll be away for most of March so I'll miss the General
Meeting but feel free to ask the committee any questions you may have about
the general running of the shed or the financial side of the business or any
other things you don't understand or need qualifying. 

This is your opportunity to see how the committee does its job and have some input into
our decision making so don't be shy.

That's all for now, see you in April,

El Presidente

Chris Hansen

General News

Shed Men

Membership of the music group is growing all the time with 22 members at present and music jam/practice on 3 days a week,mainly to accommodate numbers and genre, Tues, Wed, and Thursday, from 9 til after lunch.

Members practicing and having a session up stairs at the Shed

Photos of a performance at Marion Grove. The Shedmen now have a permanent booking there on the last Fri of each month.

SHEDMEN performing at the garage sale Feb 2023.

Shedmen also have 3 bookings in March including: LAKESIDE RETREAT and the new development SHORELINE.

Members General Meeting

58 members attended the March general meeting. Further meetings will be held in June and Sept. on Tuesdays at 10:30am before the member luncheons.

Garth, Ken and Tony ran the meeting in Chris's absence. Minutes were emailed out to members.

Community Visits

Photo op for the newspaper

Gurmesh Singh was invited to officially open the mezzanine upgrade last December. The funding of $50,000 was provided as a grant from the NSW Government Stronger Country Communities Fund. 

Tony Judge, Labour candidate, with Ken announces a $10,000 commitment for computers for members usage.

Commission Jobs

As discussed it was decided to cut back on the number of commission jobs done each month. We are not taking on new work at the moment and just concentrating on clearing our books.

Thanks again to the dedicated members who have shouldered the burden of completing these jobs to a professional standard. 

Chad Bevand is a new member to the Shed. He is a qualified cabinet maker and fire fighter, stationed at Sawtell. He has been helping out with the maintenance of machines as well as producing cutting boards for sale in the shop.

Tom whipped up this set of draws for a customer

Wayne built these planter boxes for a customer

Adrian is restoring this rocking horse for a friend as a commission job

Glenn Cox made this magnificent dresser for a client. Thanks Glenn for all your amazing work. This item earned $1,500 for the Shed.

Sudheer is helping restock the shop with chopping boards, They are in big demand!

The Shop

As part of the clean up in January, Wayne, Sudheer, Robbie and Terri refurbished the shelving in the shop. A great job guys, thanks to all who helped. The items in the shop were rationalised and the members book exchange was moved to the south side of the Office.

Members jobs

Ib and Gary - working on the materials for a rocking horse

Don Langley loves a challenge. His present project is a garden bench with wagon wheel ends. Don will donate the finished product for sale in the shop.

Bill Low is making a grandfather clock, ably aided by Don.

Little Robbie has made a number of small hand tools for members of the Shed. The one above is a scribe. Robbie makes these beautiful items from recycled materials at the Shed.

Tom made this cutting board for Robbie as a thank you.

Tom also made this rolling pin with a beautiful inlay.

Jacko is amazing, he is always tinkering and fixing mowers for sale at the garage sales. He would really like it if we had a mechanic he could call on as a knowledge bank.

Community Donations

Beach Bodies $3220 donation

Warren Skinner of the Pier Hotel and the Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour
donated  $5,324.99.

Items to be purchased are:

VEVOR 100W CO2 Laser Engraver Engraving Carving Print Machine 
600x900 mm Workbed at a cost of $3,845.99

and Band Saw @ $1,479.00.

Giving Back

Woopi OOSH made a cash donation to our Shed last year so we have made these teaching aides as a thank you. 

Ken resprayed these pool chairs for Mary Guest (Barry's wife).

New Equipment

A reminder that all members need to be inducted in the correct use of new machinery. Newer models have different features and controls. Please ask before use!!

The new saw has been moved to hopefully improve the  management of garage sale items each month.  As well as making the operation of the saw safer.

The new heater has been put into action in the spray booth

The new folder and guillotine have finally found a permanent home.

Garage Sales

Murray Smith and Paul Fitzgerald his assistant have hit the ground running, evaluating, sorting and pricing donations.

Reminder: The sale is on the first Saturday of each month during the year.

It has been good to see members stepping up to help at the Friday setup and also at the Saturday sale days. The Shedmen's  performances have also been very popular, they often help with setup if numbers are down.   A big THANK YOU to all those who help, many hands make light work!

Remember, it would be very helpful if a couple of members could come early on the following Monday to lend a hand to put the place back into working order, thanks.

Members are reminded not to rummage through received goods until they have been evaluated and priced. 

If you a looking for a particular item then let Murray know. He keeps a book on requests from members and earmarks received items for consideration by these members before putting them out for general sale.

Members Health & Well Being


Tom, Dave and Rob have had serious health issues in recent times. It is good to see all are back on deck. They are an integral part of the every day workings of the Shed. Welcome back!

Notice Board

Office Management

David Churchyard is back! After a long convalescence, Dave has resumed duties in the Office on  Thursdays and Fridays. Great to see him well and on board again!

Ken Ryan, Alan Cook and other committee members have done a sterling job over the last couple of months due to the loss of our trainee Manager Joseph and Rob stepping done..

Alan has decided to concentrate more on maintenance since Dave has returned.

If you can lend a hand please front up and let it be known at the Office. Don't leave it to the few.

Using Fixed Machinery

All members are covered for injury while working at the Shed. as a major part of the membership fees. However, as part of the conditions for cover whilst using machinery we are required to induct members in the safe use of each fixed machine. 

This applies to ALL members, non members are not permitted to operate any fixed machinery in the Shed due to liability and insurance issues, regardless of their expertise.

We acquire new machines from time to time and therefore you need to update your induction records/competency forms. Recent acquisitions include a new bench router, drop saw, metal guillotine and press as well as this year a new jointer and circular saw.

Ken Ryan conducts inductions for new members after smoko on a Thursday (book through office). Existing members needing induction/refreshers on unfamiliar machines can also arrange this with Ken.

Ken inducting new member John Van-stroe

It is your responsibility to make sure that you are not using machines that you are not inducted or competent to use.

All members have induction records/competency forms kept in their file in the Office. It is important that you are signed off to use equipment in the Shed. In fact, it is a legal requirement for our insurance and accreditation.

These records must be kept up to date because the insurance company can refuse compensation claims for injury. They have the right to request access to these records in processing claims.

Recently we have had a spate of problems with the bandsaw, Large and small thicknesser, panel saw and jointer. Teeth sheered off the panel saw, bandsaw blades ruined and chips out of the blades in both thicknessers. 

We have spent over $1000 on replacements blades so far this year! A set of small thicknesser blades cost $960! Thicknessers are not designed as a lazy mans method of cleaning up painted or stained timber!

Report any problems with equipment to the Office so that it can be attended to.

Please don't attempt repairs or major adjustments without consulting the maintenance crew or the Office.

Always use the metal detector before cutting/thicknessing any second hand timber.

 Strategic plan

The Plan informs the committee on the direction that members want to take. It is also an important document when we apply for government grants and funding from the community.

Copies of the Plan are being distributed to major stakeholders presently to demonstrate our planning and organisation.

A number of initiatives have been implemented in line with the Strategic Plan.

Firstly, we now have extra land, fenced at the rear of the Shed, which will allow us to rationalise storage and housing for the timber mill etc.



The wood storage area has been reorganised, made safer, rubbish timber removed, timber cut to standard lengths of 2.4m and dressed and new racks installed. Thanks to Ian Ebert for making and welding the rack systems. Great job Tom and Robbie, thanks for the management of this big task..

John Westendorp has instigated a card playing group, playing on Wednesdays, members play euchre, 500 or crib.

New equipment has been purchased as identified in the plan including Spray booth heating, new auto gates for dust extraction, lift for the rear of the UTE, metal folder and a metal guillotine and large ceiling fans. Refer to the Plan for further details.

The UTE has been appraised and a decision was made to have the body repaired and resprayed, and new signage added.

Member general meetings have been implemented, the first this March. It was requested to provide members with a chance ask questions and find out what is happening at the Shed.

 Cost to open the Shed door 

Yearly Fixed Costs

Power  $3,366.91, Water  $161.00, Rent  $338.61, Phone  $1,909.67, Insurance  $7,403.70
In further discussion with Ken Ryan on this matter, a number of further costs were not taken into consideration. The true cost of opening the door each day is $206.

Important Reminders

Remember to sign in and out, it allows the committee to monitor usage and safety officers to check off members in the case of emergencies including mandatory fire drills.

Job Sheets MUST be filled in and filed with the Office before you start any work at the Shed. This is a common sense rule so that the Shed managers know what is happening in the Shed. 

You will be advised of any job charges at this time, usually $10, for the use of consumables eg. glue, screws, nails, sandpaper etc. and equipment maintenance, per job sheet

Donated wood etc is used extensively for commission jobs, thus value adding, which helps offset the costs of running the Shed. If you wish to purchase/use wood etc for your job, please ask at the Office FIRST.

A member found a nice piece of cedar in the shape of a table leg in the stores, he cut it up, without asking, for a job he wanted to make. It turned out that it was the leg off a full sized billiard table which was to be restored!

Materials are generally sold at half the retail price, however, if used without consultation then full retail/replacement price will be charged. Members also store wood for projects at the Shed and will be justifiably upset if members use or cut up their material.

It is often unreasonable to expect to cut off a smaller piece from a larger usable length and expect to pay just for the piece you desire. You may be asked to try your luck at Bunnings.

There is a simple rule at the Shed: leave equipment and work spaces as you would LIKE to find them.

Please be considerate when using common areas such as the kitchen and toilets. Other members have to clean up these areas, as your mother doesn't work here!

A new shelf has been added to the kitchen to try to keep the area cleaner and tidier. Thanks to Wayne, Robbie and Ian.

Tea and coffee etc are provided as a courtesy. A donation of $2 towards costs is expected and appreciated as you sign in. The donation box is next to the Sign On book.

This gives you a bottomless cup throughout the day, which is a great deal in anybodies eyes. The Shed outlays about $150/month for Tea, Coffee.

This doesn't include the cost of milk, sugar, butter, sauces, bottled water etc., or the costs of cleaning materials to endeavour to keep the area fit for purpose. 

An increasing number of members are opting not to stop for breaks during the day. These breaks are important as a social occasion and to refresh the mind and body. No work noise should occur for at least 20 minutes during breaks.

A new cleaning roster has drawn up with all members names placed on the roster. The roster can found under the Sign On book. Please check to see when your turn arises, as this takes the burden off the few.

Members are reminded to wait until after lunch before they spirit away food stuffs provided by OZHarvest. Members regularly make use of these items for morning tea and lunch.

Our Community

Tool Box meetings are held at morning tea during the week following the committee meeting (2nd Thursday monthly) to give feedback to members. 

Free member luncheons have been well received and will continue to be provided every month, on the 3rd Tuesday, as an initiative to promote social interaction away from the tools. These luncheons are subsidised by Woolworths and Dominos Pizzas. Meals will alternate between sausages and pizza.

Card players euchre/500/crib are being played by an increasing number of members during breaks. All are welcome to take part whether you are a novice or an experienced player.

General Interest

white vinegar is a miracle product

Although there are thousands of commercial cleaning products out there, many influencers choose to use vinegar. From de-greasing windows to washing strawberries or transforming toilets, it seems there is nothing this household ingredient can't do. 

Vinegar is made via a two-step fermentation process. First, carbohydrates of any kind are fed to yeast cells, which turn their sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This alcohol is then exposed to oxygen and fermented again, this time with the bacteria Acetobacter instead of yeast, and voila – the alcoholic liquid is turned into a mixture of water and acetic acid. It's the same phenomenon that produces the sour flavour in wine that might have been accidentally been left open overnight.

When it comes to cleaning, vinegar's most useful asset is arguably its acidity – mild enough to not damage fabrics and surfaces, but strong enough to get rid of stubborn stains and deposits. The household staple can have a pH as low as 2.2 – around 10 times as acidic as the average soft drink. Commercial vinegar tends to fall on the lower end of the range, while homemade versions have a pH of around 3. When vinegar is added to stains, particularly those caused by mineral deposits such as limescale – a chalky build-up consisting mainly of calcium carbonate – the acid helps to breaks it down. The reaction produces a salt – calcium acetate, which readily dissolves in water – and carbon dioxide.

The other advantage of vinegar is its antimicrobial properties. While some highly specialised bacteria can survive in acidic environments, most everyday ones find it difficult to survive and replicate in these conditions. Enter pickling, an ancient method of preserving food by creating an inhospitable environment using salt and vinegar. Cleaning with vinegar relies on the same logic, and research has found that it can kill a range of pathogens, including E. coli. The product has been found to be effective for a wide range of uses, from cleaning dentures to disinfecting fruits and vegetables.

Another popular cleaning hack is to apply vinegar to a surface that needs to be cleaned, then sprinkle on some baking soda and watch as it foams up – the same trick used to make the "lava" for volcanoes at school. In this case, the reaction produces water and carbon dioxide bubbles, which interact help to physically break up dirt. As a "base", a substance that will react with an acid, baking soda is also useful for drawing grease and stains into the cleaning liquid – it makes the organic molecules within them more soluble in water.

However, there is one situation where vinegar should never be used: on certain types of stone. Adding vinegar to limestone, travertine or onyx floors, worktops or tiles will replicate the baking soda reaction – these rocks contain calcium carbonate, which is also a base. As the acetic acid in vinegar gets to work, you'll end up with a beautifully clean surface – with holes in it.

White vinegar is not great for cleaning dirt and grime. While soap and baking soda (both are bases) are great at mechanically getting in there and destroying filth from the inside, white vinegar only huffs and puffs in the face of it.

Our favourite natural cleaner is also touted as a grease cutter, which is also nonsense. If you want to deal with grease, what you need is an alkaline cleaner (again, soap or baking soda), not an acidic one.

White vinegar has a multitude of uses. And, as a versatile and natural product, it’s become a bit of a snake oil. While it’s certainly a powerful weapon on many occasions, you shouldn’t see this natural fermentation byproduct as manna from heaven. So let’s dispel some of the malarkey surrounding white vinegar, especially in regards to cleaning.

Hardwood Floors

Vinegar is acidic and can dull or damage the finish on hardwood floors. Trying to get hardwood floors to shine can be one of the most challenging issues to tackle, but over time, vinegar can make your floors shine less.

Opt for a hardwood floor cleaner that will enhance and protect the shine and surface of your floor. Remember, mopping with too much water or any cleaner is a big mistake for hardwood floors—they can warp or damage the surface when left wet.

Waxed Wood Furniture

Just like hardwood floors, vinegar can eat away at the wax finish on wood furniture, leaving it looking dull and cloudy. But, you'll frequently read that vinegar is ideal for cleaning all types of wood. If you would like to use vinegar on finished or waxed wood furniture, use it extremely infrequently and at your risk. As for chalk or milk painted furniture with or without a waxed finish, never use vinegar on the surface and instead, gently clean using a slightly dampened microfiber cloth.

No-Wax Floors

Like with hardwood floors, vinegar's acidity will take away the shine and sheen of a no-wax floor, such as vinyl and linoleum. Using vinegar won't give you the light sudsy action that you need to get no-wax flooring clean. Additionally, the vinegar can damage the top surface of the floors, dimming and darkening them with age and repeated use.

The best way to clean no-wax vinyl or linoleum floor is to use a sponge mop and a bucket of warm water. For a bit of a deeper clean, add a squirt of gentle dishwashing detergent to the bucket of water, and be sure to give the floor a rinse to get rid of any suds. Using any other type of liquid floor cleaner on no-wax floors could cause a waxy build-up over time.

Carpet Odors

Some suggest using vinegar on pet stains on the carpet, but it doesn't work as well as an enzymatic carpet cleaner. Vinegar might mask the odor, but it won't eliminate the reason for the odor.

A pet-specific enzymatic carpet cleaner will do the best job to eliminate the problem. Carpet cleaners formulated with enzymes will help to break down the stain, so your pet won't smell their past mistake and repeat it again in the same spot.

Unsealed Grout

Grout that hasn't been sealed, needs to be resealed, or is in poor shape should not be cleaned with vinegar. The vinegar penetrates into the pores of the grout, further weakening the material. Over time, vinegar will deteriorate the condition of the grout by etching or wearing it away. If, however, you have sealed your grout on a regular basis, the vinegar won't be an issue. Check your grout yearly to see if it is time to seal the tile again, and use a recommended tile cleaner.

Stone Surfaces

Stone surfaces, such as granite or quartz countertops, can become etched and damaged by the use of vinegar. For best results, check with your stone supplier for guidance on vinegar and the best cleaners—often, all that is needed is water and a soft cloth to keep your stone looking great. A dedicated stone cleaner is often recommended, as well.

Screens and Tech Devices

Vinegar works great for leaving windows streak free, and many use it to clean mirrors (though other experts say not to use vinegar on mirrors). But, using vinegar to clean electronic screens is not recommended—at all, though, yes, you will see tips endorsing the use of vinegar on screens.

Here's why you should avoid vinegar to clean your electronics and screens. The acid can damage or strip the coating and anti-glare properties of a screen.


The issues in using vinegar on these devices stem from the problem of rubber parts becoming compromised due to the acidity of the vinegar.

Washing Machines

The issues in using vinegar on these devices stem from the problem of rubber parts becoming compromised due to the acidity of the vinegar.

Breakfast Counter

As stated above stone surfaces will react with this mild acid and lead to erosion of the surface.


This is a place where both messes including eggs and grease are common, so vinegar won’t be as effective here. Alkaline or base products work better than this mild acid.


White vinegar may be great for killing weeds outdoors, and it's non-toxic to pets and kids, but using it on houseplants could kill them. Vinegar can dry out leaves and roots of houseplants, which can kill them, and that's why it's great for controlling weeds. However, it's often advised to use diluted apple cider vinegar on plants as a fertilizer or leaf cleaner, but that's because it's less acidic than white vinegar. If you're tempted to use vinegar to eliminate pests on houseplants, use insecticidal soap instead, which won't harm the plant.

The Birdman of the Coorong

In the main street of the South Australian town of Meningie stands a life-sized saddled-up statue of an ostrich.

ABC's Petria Ladgrove took the opportunity to get a photo on the ostrich statue. 
(ABC Science: Petria Ladgrove)

The sign beside the big bird tells of bushranger John Francis Peggotty, also known as the Birdman of the Coorong, who gallivanted around the region, robbing Cobb & Co coaches on ostrich-back.

The metal statue is hefty enough to take the weight of tourists — it even has foot pegs to help them climb up and shoot finger pistols in the air, just as Peggotty might have done 150 years ago — but is the story behind it as flimsy as the grass that grows around the ostrich's feet?

South Australia wasn't known for bushrangers, and definitely not bushrangers who could ride ostriches, but local schoolteacher Denice Mason says it is all part of the unique story of Peggotty.

He was born three months premature in Limerick, Ireland in 1864, and never caught up to his peers in the height stakes.

"He only grew to the size of a 7-year-old … so he became a chimney sweep in rich people's houses," Ms Mason says.

"He became addicted to taking little samples of rich people's belongings, but he was caught out by one of his landladies as he was parading around in his finery."

The story goes that Peggotty managed to escape to South Africa where he was employed as an ostrich jockey.

Apparently, though, his family didn't approve of gambling on big birds to make a living so he was shipped off to a sheep farm near Orange, NSW, where an uncle took him in.

Ms Mason says that didn't work out either. The uncle found his guest wearing his wife's jewellery, so he was asked to leave.

So Peggotty made his way to South Australia, where he found a wild ostrich and became a robber along the Coorong road.

Although the existence of John Francis Peggoty is very much in question, there are facts about ostriches in South Australia which line up with the story.

Ostriches are native to Africa, but people might be surprised to know that Australia has wild populations of them too, says Rohan Clarke, an ecologist at Monash University and co-author of The Australian Bird Guide.

"There's probably the largest populations in South Australia."

They started off as farmed creatures. For instance, just outside Port Augusta in the 1880s, South African ostriches were imported and farmed for their feathers to make plumed hats and fashion pieces.

But around 1915 the industry collapsed, leading to wild populations roaming the outback.

Dr Clarke says, it is plausible that wild ostriches were wandering Australia earlier — even by the late 1800s.

So that part of the story checks out. Ostriches were around during Peggotty's time, and he could have commandeered a wild one or a farm escapee — but what about saddling it up?

Dr Clarke says riding an ostrich can be done.

"I've never tried it and I've never witnessed that directly.

"But certainly there are ostrich races and there are plenty of videos online of people riding ostriches.

"So, I think probably in the same space as camel races and a few other things, largely a novelty, but definitely doable."

Ms Mason says during the 2000s, in grip of the Millennium Drought, Meningie was facing a rough future.

"The lake at Meningie had basically dried up and the town became almost a ghost town because lots of the dairies had to close with the lack of water."

The "John Peggotty project" was one idea that came after hooking in with SA Tourism to find ways for the town to survive without water.

New Management 2023 (voluntary)


President: Chris Hansen

Vice President: Robert Houston

Secretary: Tony Winter

Treasurer: Garth Howard

Assistant Secretary: Chris Hansen

Assistant Treasurer: Ken Ryan


David Churchyard
Alan Cook
Peter Jackson
Ken Howe
Glenn Cox
Brian Franklin
Robert Francis


Shed Managers & Office Administration:

Alan Cook

Health & Welfare Officers:

Ken Ryan
Ken Howe

Woodwork Shop:

Tom Skinner

Metalwork / Engineering:

Peter Jackson

 Equipment Maintenance:

Ken Ryan
Brian Franklin
Alan Cook

Music Group - The Shedmen:

Warren Sanger

Garage Sales:

Murray Smith

Paul Fitzgerald


Tony Winter

Life Members:

Derek King Scott
 Peter Jackson
Ken Howe
Ken Ryan
Robert Houston

Supporters of the Coffs Harbour Men's Shed

The Coffs Harbour Community Men's Shed wishes to thank all our supporters, both large and small,
for their ongoing support and generous donations of time and money. 


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