June 2022 Newsletter

From the President

Hello All,

I'm happy to report that the Shed is ticking along quite nicely with only the usual bugbears which have to be raised regularly in the toolbox talks.

The cleaning roster (available in the pigeon holes under the sign in book) seems to be having a positive effect, with the general state of cleanliness being better than what it was prior to instigation, well done and keep up the good work!

The garage sales are going well with a record turnover in the May sale, thank you to all involved in sorting, unpacking and repacking the merchandise. Next sale June 4th.

Tuesday lunches (third Tuesday every month) are going well, thank you to Brian for catering and Brian and Robert for cooking. At the last lunch, new member Brendan presented us with a survey so you could have some input into the direction the shed takes over the next three years, if you haven't already, I would encourage you to take ten minutes of your time to complete one of these (available near the sign-in book) and submit to the office before mid June.

We have had several visits to the shed this year, including the Trefoil Guild and the local Probus group, both of which were impressed with our setup and I believe we managed to sign up a couple of new members!

On a sadder note I would like to pay tribute to one of our members who we lost, recently and suddenly, due to complications of several existing illnesses. Graham Campbell could be difficult at times but underneath had a good heart and he will be missed.

I would also like (on behalf of all of you) to wish David all the best for his (major) operation coming up soon. His tireless input in the office is being missed. All going well we should see David back towards the end of the year.

Thank you to Tony and the rest of the committee for your support in my first Presidency ever and I hope I can rely on your continued support over the ensuing months.

If you have any concerns about the week to week operation of the shed, ideas for improvement or other suggestions, please convey them to a committee member any time, but particularly in the days leading up to the monthly meetings (second Thursday of the month) so we can address them. If you don't raise your concerns they'll never be addressed so please come forward and help improve the shed.

Yibidah, yibidah, yibidah,
That's all folks,

Chris Hansen (President)

General News


Finally we can legally occupy the mezzanine rooms. All certification has been tracked down and submitted to the Certifier.

Mezzanine rooms are earmarked as follows:

  • Rooms 1&2 Conference room
  • Room 3 Bathroom/computer room (help work it out)
  • Room 4 Craft rooms
  • Rooms 5&6 Store rooms

Renovations to Conference room 2

With the continued support of the Men's Shed committee and with the aid of a financial grant, renovations are nearing completion for the ever expanding growth of the music section of our shed.


Thanks to “Brad Ross Handyman” and Todd for their work. However, we are asking them to come back to rectify some issues with their work at this time.

For those not really aware of the importance of physical placement of musicians in a band, it is imperative that members can not only hear each other but also see each other and have ample room for their equipment.

Simple movements like key and chord changes and the like, should now be witnessed easily by all guitarists during the rendition of a song.

The drummer needs to see keyboard actions, feet tapping, and vocalists lip movements of all members, as well as hearing words and rhythms etc.


Hence the opening up of the quite claustrophobic existing area to accommodate between 8 and 14 musicians has been very much welcomed by all. This number could grow even more as time passes.

The music section of the Coffs Men's Shed has had quite a meteoric rise to 14 active participants since its inception, only 2 yrs ago and we welcome any new members that have an interest in playing an instrument or singing.

We appreciate and have a go at all genres.

Modern bands have copious amounts of equipment ranging from a multitude of amplifiers, range of guitars, drum kits, numerous microphones, music stands, saxophone, trumpet, mixer, slide guitar, playback speakers, metres of electrical leads and the list goes on.

Some of our musicians are so talented they play numerous instruments.

This all requires extra space for equipment, standing and seating.

Clean up complete.

As the universal language, not only does music enable people to express themselves and also become creative, but we sincerely hope that other members of the shed working downstairs get some enjoyment as well.

Of course, like anything, we have to practice and practice but we work toward an end result, of which we hopefully can be proud.

Members of the music group rolled their sleeves up and thoroughly cleaned and tidied the whole area ready for the next step.

We hope to construct some pantry style shelving in the rear cupboard for storage of ancillary equipment such as leads, microphones, music etc.

The next stage is to collect the electronic drums and assemble, set up the playback speakers, and position all equipment acoustically for the best sound we can achieve in the Coffs Mens Shed music area.

Band members welcome any other shed members to come up, take a break and listen, be involved, tap your feet and sing along, any time we are playing on Tuesday and Friday mornings. We love to have an audience.

Temporary placement of equipment.

Thanks again to the committee and all involved for having the faith in seeing this exciting arm of the shed progress and grow.

Fellow Shedder: Tony Goninan

Contact: Warren Sanger if you are interested in the Shedmen - warrenwsanger@gmail.com

Community Relations

Since the last newsletter we have had visits from the following: Bike Restorers, Trefoil Guides, Hearing Australia and most recently Probus.


Commission Jobs

Commission jobs have been a focus at the Shed for many years. Chiefly because they have been our primary income source and have allowed us to pay our bills, buy supplies and maintain our plant and equipment.

A dedicated crew lead by Tom Skinner undertake the bulk of this work. Here are a few items produced over the past few months


An exercise staircase for a physiotherapist's practice. Installed outside.

This started as a pianola, the owner didn't want to restore it so it is now becoming a desk.

Viking inspired bucket and tub. Adrian had to work out a method to construct these medieval buckets/barrels and age them. Sisal to be attached to the outside as well.

Bunnings wanted these round pine tops turned into serving trays as gifts for their workers. 30 items with various designs. A big job even for the CNC router.

Above, a prototype for the England's Park Tennis Club. 8 double sided scoreboards than can be read inside and outside the court. They are hung on the wire netting and games are scored by the players. A two-way pointer runs in the grooves indicating the games score.
I forgot to take pix of the finished job probably because it was a very complicated job for a beginner and I was just pleased to finish it without too many mistakes. Each double sided board took about 2 hours to machine on the CNC.

Graham is restoring a rather badly damaged dinky for the Shop.

Sudheer making breadboards for the Shop from our timber stores. A great value add, these breadboards sell for $40 and more.

Marcus another newbie is making breadboards for the Shed. Which he decided to buy!

Scott, a long time member, making bowls for sale in the Shop

Members jobs

Don needed some versatile furniture to fit into his small unit. So he designed, sourced and dressed the timber from Shed supplies and constructed this very neat unit. The table fits under the desk and the chair back folds forward allowing it to fit under the table.

Ian making dove tails for a drawer.

Peter making an occasional table.

Ray making sanger racks for his wife's club from pallet timber.

Disability services Members

Leon Walsh and Alvis Widdison making a toolbox

Wazza (Warren Cottell) holding his finished tissue box

Arlon and David Langler discussing the job they are starting on

Arlon and Brett McAnally

Josh Hill and Peter Evans

Community projects

Rob has been busy making 300 hearts of various sizes for a wellbeing group in Lismore. They are going to be used for people to write thanks and encouragement to the community. They will be hung from accessible places all over the district.

We have also purchased 5 beds for a men with disability refuge in Lismore. We were originally approached to make and supply. After doing the sums and searching around, it was decided to purchase them from Fantastic Furniture using Click and Collect in Lismore. The fact that we didn't have to source the wood, design and find members to make the beds was taken into account as well as the need to get them to Lismore asap.

Garage Sales

Doug is away on a well earned break for a couple of months. Chris and Tony will take over the management in his absence.

Tony and Chris have realised just how much time is required in receiving donated items, evaluating, tidying up items for sale, pricing and running the first Saturday of the month garage sales. 

Members are asked not to rummage through received goods until they have been evaluated and priced. If you a looking for a particular item then let Doug know. He keeps a book on requests from members and earmarks received items for consideration by these members before putting them out for general sale. 

These sale days have been very successful and have become our secondary source of income averaging around $1500 on the day. The May sale was a record, $2560!

Chris and Tony were quick to say that this doesn't mean they want to take over from Doug!

Member numbers were down for Friday setup before the sale and at the Saturday sale days. This activity have become somewhat of a social occasion, with the Shedmen stepping up to help and provide a music session during the Saturday sale. 

The Shed provides a breakfast: sausages, eggs etc and refreshments as a thank you to helpers. On that note: a new cook is required while Dave is away sick.

Members Health & Well Being

As some of you are aware David Churchyard has been very sick lately and has undergone a series of operations. The 4th, a major one, will see him in hospital for up to 3 months. Dave is in John Flynn Hospital on the Gold Coast.

Dave is a long serving volunteer/member at the Shed who rarely says no to a request for help at the Shed. 

He loves the concept of the Shed and freely gives his time and energies to make the place run as 
smoothly as possible.

He has been President, Shed Manager and general dog's body. No job is below his dignity including cleaning up after others. Yes, even the toilets! 

He regularly does the shopping for the myriad of supplies needed at the Shed and of course organises and mans the BBQ at every event!

I am sure you will join with me in wishing him all the best during these difficult times.

Member Profile: Sudheer Micheal Massey

Sudheer is a newbie at the Shed, who joined in March this year. He had heard good things about the Shed way back when it was based in Marcia Street. Other commitments and COVID 19 delayed his sign up until March this year.

Sudheer reckons that the Shed is machine paradise. He loves working with wood and creating things. He is grateful for how warmly he was accepted and is amazed at the depth of knowledge and skills of members. 

Members are always happy to help and share their talents if you approach them in the right way. Members of course are busy doing their own thing!

Sudheer was born in the Highlands of Northern India in the late 50s to missionary parents. As you can imagine many of the luxuries we enjoy daily were thin on the ground in those days.

His sister had decided to come to Australia to study. She met her husband at college; they married and settled in Hobart. After a few years she persuaded Sudheer to immigrate. He started the immigration process, not an easy task, taking 4 years and a truck load of cash, however being a skilled offset printer helped with this process.

So in 1986 he settled in Hobart close to his sister and her husband. He had little trouble finding work and over the next 20 years had a satisfying career in printing. It was in Tasmania he met his wife and they have 3 children.

In 2008, Sudheer’s sister and husband decided to move up to Coffs Harbour. Sudheer decided that his aging bones had had enough of the cold and so he packed up the family and followed them to Coffs.

Printing jobs were limited but he managed to secure a job in a sign writing company. He really enjoyed this job because he learnt new skills and knowledge in a related industry.
Unfortunately, After 6 years the business went bust during the economic downturn, leaving Sudheer to look for a new job.

He managed to secure a position at Officeworks. He enjoyed the job and got on well with the boss.

Luck was not with Sudheer and he was involved in a car accident being hit by a P plater who was speeding and lost control of his car as he came around a corner. His injuries were severe and he was lucky to survive.

Officeworks held his job open for three years while he fought with the insurance company to pay for needed operations etc. Finally they had to let him go. His recuperation took years and he wasn’t getting any younger so by the time he could apply for a job he was behind the 8 ball.

Aged over 60 and with moderate disabilities, he found it it impossible to secure work in Coffs Harbour. He was forced to apply for Job Start. The Men’s Shed has been a god send.

Notice Board

 Induction Reminder

I have included this article again because of a number of incidents at the Shed lately. Equipment has been repeatedly put out of action by members having forgotten or not knowing the correct procedures for using equipment. Some examples below are the finishing sander and the oscillating linisher.

We are extremely lucky to have very knowledgeable and willing members of the maintenance team who put a great deal of time and effort into making sure equipment is in good working order and safe for members to use.

You can help by making sure you understand how items you wish to use, function. Tools are upgraded/replaced and newer ones can have their own quirks. Don't be embarrassed to ask if you are not sure. It is easier to spend a bit of time helping you then having to source, buy and install damaged parts or buy new equipment.

All members are covered for injury while working at the Shed. as a major part of your membership fees. However, as part of the conditions for cover whilst using machinery we are required to induct members in the safe use of each fixed machine. 

We must also install appropriate signage, including work space exclusion zones marked on the floor and have appropriate safety guards and PPE available. 

We obtain our insurance through the Australian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA), they provide this service to all Sheds in Australia. AMSA have recently had to change insurers because the previous insurer was not happy to continue to provide this level of cover to Shed members due to increasing numbers of claims. The new insurer has now stipulated what activities we can undertake at the Shed and what our responsibilities are, to be eligible for this level of cover.

We acquire new machines from time to time and therefore need to update our members induction records. Ken conducts inductions for new members after smoko on a Thursday (book through office). Existing members needing induction on unfamiliar machines can arrange with Ken on a Tuesday or Thursday.

You are not covered by our insurance if you use machinery at the Shed that you have not been inducted to use.

This applies to ALL members, also non members are not permitted to operate any fixed machinery in the Shed because of liability and insurance issues, regardless of their expertise.

If you haven't used a machine for sometime or just want help operating a machine, please ask at the Office.

Remember it is always better to be safe than sorry.

If a machine is not working properly please either report it to the Office or write it up on the white board outside the store room next to the drop saw. 

We have a maintenance schedule but naturally things wear out. The committee strives to maintain the Shed at optimum usage for members but your help is required in reporting issues, returning tools and equipment to their storage areas and using the tools for the purposes that they were designed.

Examples of thoughtless use of Shed machines.

This drum sander is not designed to strip paint or glue from wood, as you can see from the above picture. This newly replaced belt has been rendered useless and will need to be replaced. It was reported by the next user who could then not work on their job.

The finishing sander obviously stopped doing the job so the member then used this oscillating sander to try and make his life easier, with the above result. This belt has also been rendered useless and will need to be replaced.

Our volunteer maintenance team get frustrated when they see such disregard for the machines. New belts will need to be sourced, purchased and replaced. All too frequently!

Note the cleaning stick on the deck. These are provided to prolong the life of the sanding belts. They should be used to clean off lodged sawdust in the belt when required.

Strategic plan

Coffs Harbour Community Men’s Shed Strategic Plan for the 3 years commencing 1st July 2019 ending 1st June 2022 is up for renewal. 

The Men’s Shed Vision Statement is as follows:
To advance the health and well-being of Shed members in the Coffs Coast region by providing a safe, happy and non-judgemental environment where skilled and unskilled members of all ages and abilities can, in the company of other members pursue hobbies, pastimes and interests, learn new skills, practice and pass on old skills, learn about their own and others health and well-being, and by their efforts contribute to their families, friends, the shed and the broader community.

What's next?
A new member to the Shed, Brendan Walsh, has kindly offered his extensive experience and knowledge in Corporate Management to the development of our next 3 year Strategic Plan. Brendan still works part time mentoring all levels of industry in Australia and oversea to ensure best practice in their management structures.

At the Members' Luncheon on May 17, Brendan discussed the importance of the document and encouraged all members to become involved in the process. To this end, he handed out a survey to members so they could have their say as to the future directions of the Shed.

All members were also emailed a copy of the survey and encouraged to become involved.

The survey is voluntary and anonymous. 

Survey's can be returned to the Office or to me (Tony) by email. Brendan will collate the information and present it to the Committee for inclusion in the 2022 - 2025 Strategic Plan. 

Important Reminders

Tool Box meetings will be held at morning tea during week 3 following the Committee meeting to give feedback to members.

Free member luncheon will be provided on Tuesday, week 3, every month, as an initiative to promote social interaction away from the tools.

An increasing number of members are playing Crib during breaks. All are welcome to take part. If it becomes popular enough it could be offered as a regular activity at the Shed.

All members have a Competency Form kept in their file in the Office. It is important that you are signed off to use equipment in the Shed. In fact, it is a legal requirement for insurance and accreditation. The register must be kept up to date since the insurance company can refuse compensation claims for injury etc. if it is not. They have the right to request access to these records in processing claims. Please remember, equipment is replaced/updated as required. If you are unsure of your status please ask at the Office.

Job Sheets MUST be filled in and filed with the Office before you start any work at the Shed. This is a common sense rule so that the Shed managers know what is happening in the Shed. 

There is usually a charge of $10, for the use of consumables eg. glue, screws, nails, sandpaper etc. and equipment maintenance, per job sheet 

There is a simple rule at the Shed: leave equipment and work spaces as you would LIKE to find them.

Please be considerate when using common areas such as the kitchen and toilets. Other members regularly have to clean up these areas.

Report any problems with equipment to the Office so that it can be attended to.

Remember to sign in and out, it allows the committee to monitor usage and safety officers to check off members in the case of emergencies including mandatory fire drills.

Tea and coffee etc are provided as a courtesy. A donation of $2 towards costs is expected and appreciated as you sign in.

This gives you a bottomless cup throughout the day, which is a great deal in anybodies eyes. The Shed outlays about $150/month for Tea, Coffee and Sugar. 

This doesn't include the cost of milk, butter, bottled water etc., or the costs of cleaning materials to endeavour to keep the area clean.

A cleaning roster of members has been recently introduced and is available either from the Office or there is also a copy in the pidgeonholes in the kitchen area. This has been working well and has taken the burden off the few.

Members are reminded to wait until after lunch before they spirit away food stuffs provided by OZHarvest. Members regularly make use of these items for morning tea and lunch.

Donated wood etc is used extensively for commission jobs, thus value adding, which helps offset the costs of running the Shed. If you wish to purchase/use wood etc please ask at the Office FIRST
Materials are generally sold at half the retail price, however, if used without consultation then full retail/replacement price will be charged. Members also store wood for projects at the Shed and will be justifiably upset if members use or cut up their material.

It is often unreasonable to expect to cut off a smaller piece from a larger usable length and expect to pay just for the piece you desire. You may be asked to try your luck at Bunnings.

Improvements to the Shed

The latest improvement to the Shed is the installation of 2 LARGE ceiling fans to improve air circulation.

The fans were expertly installed by Brian Franklin ably assisted by Ken Ryan. Thanks guys for your untiring commitment and service to the Shed.

The Dust Extractor System

The other improvement is to change over all fixed machines to automatic dust extraction. There are only a few that had not been upgraded and they were causing confusion and problems. The Committee has decided to commit funds to this upgrade (on order).

The automatic gates open when the machine's starter button is pressed and shuts off the gate and the extractor fan when turned off. 

The manual gates require the member to come to the control panel and press the remote starter for the extractor (pictured above being held by Alan). 

They then needed to go back to the machine and open the gate. 

The problem occurs when members forget to come back and press the stop button on the remote, hence the extractor will run continuously until somebody realised, sometimes the whole weekend can pass.

These are the directions on the back wall above the sanding table.

General Interest

Home Solar Panel Install

The NSW Government is offering a new way to assist people on low incomes with their power bills by installing free solar systems for eligible households in place of their Low Income Household Rebate

This program aims to improve energy affordability by helping households unlock long terms savings on their electricity bills. While this means you will no longer receive the $285 annual rebate on your electricity bill, you could receive up to $600 in savings per year from your new solar system!

The program is only available to households that live in the specified regions and meet the eligibility criteria. When participating in this program households will receive a free, fully installed 3kW solar system in place of their Low Income Household Rebate.

SAE Group are the approved provider, designing and installing solar systems to eligible homes across Northern NSW and Greater Sydney. To be eligible you must
If you are not the registered homeowner, but your spouse is, you may be considered eligible collectively as a household.

A 3kW system is designed to generate an average of 12.6kwh per day, which will deliver electricity savings depending on each household’s energy consumption. 

Managing Director of SAE Group Glen Ashton comments “We know electricity bills continue to place a lot of pressure on households, and we are pleased to be working with the NSW Government to help ease the pressure on low income households.

SAE Group are a locally owned and operated organisation with more than ten years’ experience in the solar industry. SAE Group are a Clean Energy Council Approved Retailer, and hold accreditations ISO 9001, AS/NZS4801 for safety and quality systems. Safety is paramount to us, and it our goal to ensure we provide quality solar systems to eligible households that will deliver ongoing savings for many years to come.

Want to find out more? Visit here to check your eligibility and apply online or visit SAE Group or call us on 1300 18 20 50. The Solar for Low Income Household Offer is supported by the NSW Government.

Information supplied by Ken Ryan who has happily accessed the scheme.

Talking Snakes

I have had a resident green tree snake lately. It turns up when least expected; on the verandah, in the house or sleeping in the rafters.

GREEN TREE SNAKES (Dendrolaphis punctulata) can be dangerous. Yes, tree snakes or grass snakes, not brown snakes or taipans. 

Here’s why: A couple in Townsville had a lot of potted plants.

During a recent cold winter (for Townsville that is!), a wife was bringing some of the valued tender ones indoors to protect them from the cold night. It turned out that a little green tree snake was hidden in one of the plants. When it had warmed up, it slithered out and the wife saw it go under the lounge — she let out a very loud scream.

The husband (who was taking a shower) ran out into the living room naked to see what the problem was and she told him there was a snake under the lounge.

He got down on the floor on his hands and knees to look for it. About that time the family dog came and cold-nosed him on the behind. He thought the snake had bitten him, so he screamed and fell over onto the floor.

His wife thought he had had a heart attack, so she covered him up, told him to lie still and called an ambulance. The paramedics rushed in, would not listen to his protests, loaded him on their stretcher, and started carrying him out.

About that time, the snake came out from under the lounge and the paramedic saw it and dropped his end of the stretcher. That’s when the man broke his leg and why he is still in hospital.

The wife still had the problem of the snake in the house, so she called on a neighbour who volunteered to capture the snake. He armed himself with a rolled-up newspaper and began poking under the lounge. Soon he decided it was gone and told the woman, who sat down on the lounge in relief. But while relaxing, her hand dangled in between the cushions, where she felt the snake wriggling around.

She screamed and fainted, the snake rushed back under the lounge. The neighbour, seeing her lying there passed out, tried to use CPR to revive her.

The neighbour’s wife, who had just returned from shopping at Woolies, saw her husband’s mouth on the woman’s mouth and slammed her husband on the back of the head with a bag of canned goods, knocking him out and cutting his scalp to a point where it needed stitches.

The noise woke the woman from her dead faint and she saw her neighbour lying on the floor with his wife bending over him, so she assumed that the snake had bitten him. She went to the kitchen and got a small bottle of whiskey and began pouring it down the man’s throat.

By now, the police had arrived.
They saw the unconscious man, smelled the whiskey, and assumed that a drunken fight had occurred. They were about to arrest them all, when the women tried to explain how it all happened over a little garden snake!

The police called an ambulance, which took away the neighbour and his sobbing wife.

Now, the little snake again crawled out from under the lounge and one of the policemen drew his gun and fired at it. He missed the snake and hit the leg of the end table. The table fell over, the lamp on it shattered and, as the bulb broke, it started a fire in the curtains.

The other policeman tried to beat out the flames, and fell through the window into the yard on top of the family dog who, startled, jumped out and raced into the street, where an oncoming car swerved to avoid it and smashed into the parked police car.

Meanwhile, neighbours saw the burning curtains and called in the fire brigade. The firemen had started raising the fire ladder when they were halfway down the street. The rising ladder tore out the overhead wires, put out the power, and disconnected the power in a ten-square city block area (but they did get the house fire out).

Time passed! The snake was caught and both men were discharged from the hospital; the house was repaired; the dog came home; the police acquired a new car and all was right with their world.

A while later they were watching TV and the weatherman announced a cold snap for that night. The wife asked her husband if he thought they should bring in their plants for the night.

And that’s when he shot her!

This is a shot of my beauty. It really is harmless,  

The Green or Common Tree Snake is one of the most commonly seen snakes in suburban backyards, parks, and even inner city gardens. It lives in northern and eastern Australia.

Green Tree Snakes have no fangs and no venom. They are very reluctant to bite and would rather slither away. If provoked, a Green Tree Snake will rise up, inflate its throat and body, and make a stink from its anal glands – so best not to get too close.

Look out for Green Tree Snakes sunbathing on rocks, windowsills, fences, on outdoor furniture, climbing on the beams or railings of the veranda, pergola, shed or garage. They are fast climbers that spend most of their time up in the trees. They are usually active during the day and come down to the ground to hunt.

Mainly active during the day, Green Tree Snakes eat frogs, skinks, geckos, lizards, reptile eggs, small mammals, stranded tadpoles and fish, and even the occasional water skink if they can catch them. They are active hunters and sniff out their prey as they probe leaves and loose soil with their heads.

Green Tree Snakes are very inquisitive and will have a good look at you if you spot it in the garden. They have large eyes and keen eyesight. It can camouflage itself amongst tree branches where it often looks like a branch, but also amongst leaves, plants and leaf litter. Its colour varies from grey to olive-green in NSW and most of QLD, dark brown, black or blue in northern QLD, golden yellow with a bluish head in the NT. The skin between the scales is light blue.

At night the Green Tree Snake sleeps in tree hollows, rock crevices, narrow caves or abandoned buildings. During winter, groups of snakes congregate together to conserve heat.

Management 2022 (voluntary)


President: Chris Hansen
Vice President: Robert Houston
Secretary: Tony Winter
Treasurer: Garth Howard
Assistant Secretary: Warren Sanger
Assistant Treasurer: Ken Ryan


David Churchyard
Alan Cook
Peter Jackson
Ken Howe
Glenn Cox
Brian Franklin


Shed Managers & Office Administration:

Robert Houston
David Churchyard

Health & Welfare Officers:

David Churchyard
Ken Howe

Woodwork Shop:

Tom Skinner

Metalwork / Engineering:

Peter Jackson

 Equipment Maintenance:

Ken Ryan
Brian Franklin
Alan Cook

Garage Sales:

Doug Tysoe


Tony Winter

Supporters of the Coffs Harbour Men's Shed

The Coffs Harbour Community Men's Shed wishes to thank all our supporters, both large and small,
for their ongoing support and generous donations of time and money. 


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